Saturday, May 17, 2008

Men should not wear capri pants

I was traveling recently to San Francisco. While at IAH i noticed an inordinate amount of MEN wearing capri pants. First, let me say that capri pants are not pants. They are a confusion between pants that are simply too short and well..... shorts. Real men wouldn't wear them, and those masquerading as men shouldn't wear them.

I hear regularly that the US is too macho. That we flex our muscles and make grunts.... uh uh uh.... like Tim Allen from Home Improvement. Not physically of course, but the talking heads on the boob tube has the US shirtless (or in a wifebeater) standing on top of the world beating its hairy man chest.

I personally believe that the US has never been more "wussyfied" because of the desire to avoid hurting any one's feelings. We have baned the word loser from our vocabulary. We have taken the red pen away from the teacher and replaced it with something "less offensive". We've baned dodge ball and tag on playgrounds... and the list goes on.

Without any way for our children to learn from their mistakes or, in some cases how to deal with humiliation we are left with a weaker bunch of people and... men who wear capri pants.


Anonymous said...

hey mom, you mispelled loser, haha but i LOVEd it :D

Assun said...

I have not yet seen this absurd fashion. Capri pants for men?! Maybe it's a San Francisco thing (if you get my drift). That aside, you are right about society becoming overly concerned with stepping on somebody's toes and thereby eliminating a valuable life's lesson: Sometimes Life gives you stuff you've got to figure out how to deal with without falling completely apart. Figure it out...don't wimp out!